{% extends main.html %} {% block content %} {% set ts = tasks[Task] %}

Task: {{ ts.key }}

{% if ts.processing_on %} {% end %} {% if ts.type %} {% end %} {% if ts.nbytes %} {% end %} {% if ts.state == 'waiting' %} {% for dts in ts.waiting_on %} {% end %} {% end %} {% for attr in ['has_lost_dependencies', 'host_restrictions', 'worker_restrictions', 'resource_restrictions', 'loose_restrictions', 'suspicious', 'retries', 'metadata'] %} {% if getattr(ts, attr) %} {% end %} {% end %}
Status {{ ts.state }}
Processing on {{ts.processing_on.address}}
Call stack Call Stack
Type {{ ts.type }}
Bytes {{ format_bytes(ts.nbytes) }}
waiting on {{dts.key}}
Priority {{ts.priority}}
{{attr.replace('_', ' ').title()}} {{getattr(ts, attr)}}
{% if ts.exception_text and ts.traceback_text %}

Exception information

Exception: {{ ts.exception_text }}

{{ ts.traceback_text }} 
{% end %}


{% for dts in ts.dependencies %} {% end %}
Key State
{{dts.key}} {{ dts.state }}


{% for dts in ts.dependents %} {% end %}
Key State
{{dts.key}} {{ dts.state }}
{% if ts.state == 'memory' %}

Workers with data

{% set worker_list = ts.who_has %} {% include "worker-table.html" %}
{% end %} {% if ts.who_wants %}

Clients with future

{% end %}

Transition Log

{% for key, start, finish, recommendations, stimulus_id, transition_time in scheduler.story(Task) %} {% for key2, rec in recommendations.items() %} {% end %} {% end %}
Time Key Start Finish Stimulus ID Recommended Key Recommended Action
{{ fromtimestamp(transition_time) }} {{key}} {{ start }} {{ finish }} {{ stimulus_id }}
{{key2}} {{ rec }}
{% end %}